Finance & Money

26 July 2023 - Comments Off on Smartphones Are The Future Of Financial Transactions
Smartphones have quickly become indispensable tools in today's digital environment, from offering features and functions that impact our daily work lives and interactions to financial transactions taking place over our phones - I will discuss both their roles within contemporary...
21 July 2023 - Comments Off on Unveiling the Pillars of Google (Alphabet)’s Revenue: Advertising and Cloud Domains
Google is synonymous with growth and innovation in the digital era, now part of Alphabet Inc, a tech conglomerate. Advertising and cloud computing serve as two primary revenue generators for this tech titan; this article will explore both technical aspects...
19 July 2023 - Comments Off on Optimized Portfolio As Listed Securities (OPALS): A Practical Guide for Responsible Investing (2017, Oxford Press).
Optimized Portfolio As Listed Securities (OPALS) is an innovative investment strategy gaining widespread acclaim within the financial world. By combining index investing with active management techniques, this innovative investment methodology offers a fresh approach for building and managing investment portfolios....
17 July 2023 - Comments Off on Target Rate: Importance, Mechanism and Frequently Asked Questions
Target rate, commonly referred to as federal funds target rate, plays an essential part in monetary policies that influence various aspects of economic life. This article delves deeply into its mechanics and answers frequently asked questions; providing readers an in-depth...
14 July 2023 - Comments Off on The minutes from the June meeting indicate potential future rate increases in 2023
The minutes from the Federal Reserve meeting in June have revealed the likelihood of additional rate hikes throughout 2017. As U.S. economies recover from pandemic recessions, additional measures need to be implemented by the Fed in order to manage growth...
12 July 2023 - Comments Off on Cash back sites and apps: a guide to cashback
Many credit cards, online platforms, and retailers offer cash back. Cash back is a popular feature that many credit cards, retailers and online platforms offer. It lures customers with the promise to get some money back when they make a purchase. Cash...
10 July 2023 - Comments Off on Ripple (XRP), Exploring the Future of Digital Payments
Ripple (XRP), one of the leading players in digital currencies space, has seen rapid adoption over recent years. Their aim is to revolutionize global payments via cost-efficient transactions that offer quick service at lower fees - this guide will walk...
14 June 2023 - Comments Off on Binance Exchange Is Revolutionizing Crypto Trading Landscape
Binance Exchange quickly established itself as one of the major players in cryptocurrency after it was founded by Changpeng Zhao in 2017. Within months after launch, Binance had become one of the world's biggest and most-sought-after crypto exchanges - this...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Investing in Gold: Potential Advantages
Gold has long been considered an investment worth its weight in gold; indeed it is sometimes known as the "king" of precious metals. Gold's appeal extends far beyond its inherent beauty; it serves as a sign of wealth and power...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Gold’s Role in Diversified Investment Portfolio
Diversifying investments is critical when investing. By diversifying among different assets, one can reduce risks and mitigate volatility; many investors include gold in their portfolio. Gold has long been revered as an invaluable store of value and currency since ancient times,...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Relationship Between Gold and Stock Market
Gold and the stock market are both essential financial assets that have profoundly shaped global economies - but how are their connections intertwined? Gold and the stock exchange are inextricably linked; both serve as indicators of investor trust and market sentiment....
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Gold Currency in Global Monetary System
Gold has long been revered as an asset due to its beauty, rarity and perceived security - qualities which help safeguard wealth. Gold's value has become one of the cornerstones of global currency for centuries - providing an accurate measurement...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Human Society’s Gold Explosion
Gold has long been treasured as an emblem of power, wealth and beauty among humans. First used by Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations along with those in India's Indus valley to craft jewelry and other decorative objects made out of this...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Why Gold Remains an Attractive Investment Option
Gold has long been valued as an asset of immense worth; prized for its beauty, rarity and perceived stability; serving as an anchor to global finance systems by setting its value against other assets as benchmark. Recently however, its role...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Gold as a Safe Haven Asset in Times of Economic Uncertainty
One of the key reasons that gold has long been considered a valuable asset is its perceived stability. Unlike other financial assets, which can be impacted by a wide range of factors, gold has a relatively predictable supply and demand...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Gold’s shifting role in global financial systems
Gold has long been considered an integral component of global finance, symbolizing wealth and power while setting asset valuation standards; but recently its status has come into question as claims surface about it losing some value over time. Digital currencies and...
10 December 2022 - Comments Off on Gold in Modern Finance: An Overview
Money and finance have long been linked to gold since ancient history began. Gold is widely recognized for its beauty and rarity as an emblematic representation of wealth and power; serving as an indicator for other assets to measure against...